This series of framed photographs was made using a small collection of personal keepsakes: stones, a tiny piece of bone, melted plastic, found family photographs, old picture frames, a window, a coat hook, and a handrail. The photographs document a series of interactions, arrangements, and events involving my own body and the keepsakes. The objects are performers, and my body gets obscured, abstracted, and mixed into the collection as one them. Photographing the process was done with a confidence that meaning would emerge out of staged conditions and that strange things would happen. With a hopeful trust in coincidence, I played with and arranged objects and pretended to be one of them. The result is a blend of elements, of flesh, stone, plastic, metal, wood, glass, bone, old, new, time, and repetition. Layers of repetition are added in the final installation, in which the keepsakes are physically placed in the exhibition and used to frame the photographs, creating a feeling of deja-vu, scattering attention around the room, and confusing the time and space of the events portrayed.